Thursday, July 12, 2007
Sec 4A - 131m VS banner!
Posted by: Victoria School, at: 3:36:00 PM
4A. Apparently the best class academically in the whole cohort. Their task? To paint a 131 metre long banner. We ventured across the red brick road to find out.
We found them very well organized when we got there.
The 131 metre long banner was no easy feat painting according to them. Tried they did, but they could not find any shop that sold a black banner 131 metres long. They had to get the shop keeper to sew several black banners together. The students also bought paint in the classic Victorian colours, collecting the essential materials along the way.
In preparation to the challenge, the students took the initiative to draw their design on a template with a scale of 4cm - 1m. They claim that the design they chose shows various phrases which are closest to the heart and embodies the Victorian spirit.
But why paint a 131 metre long banner? They feel that it is the most challenging challenge for them to show their team spirit and unity as a class. However, if it rains, it would be a major challenge to them to move the whole banner indoors.
Nerd fact 1: They spent about $400 on the challenge.
Nerd fact 2: They managed to collect newspapers to cover 131m for the banner! 
Labels: Secondary Four